Thursday, 5 December 2013

Explore JMeter Results using Angular and d3

How to explore JMeter results using Angular & d3
Check out
How to use?
1. Clone the repository git clone
2. Start a web server at the root directory of the cloned repository (ngd3jmeter). I use Python command - python -m SimpleHTTPServer 9988
3. Now open a web browser and type the URL http://localhost:9988/ngJMeter_tsplot.html you should see a time series plot.
4. You can change the data in the data directory and update the html file ngJMeter_tsplot.html to plot time series using your data
5. Hovering the mouse on the transaction point will display the elapsed time and transaction name
You can see the plots by accessing:

1 comment:

Aalsoo said...

Hey Santosh,

Have you come across any other open source framework to archive and graphically display Jmeter test results.